
Saturday May 13, 2023
S06E19 - Wes Craven’s DEADLY FRIEND
Saturday May 13, 2023
Saturday May 13, 2023
Dan and Dan finally wrap up their longest season ever with one of the craziest movies they've ever reviewed, WES CRAVEN'S DEADLY FRIEND. The plot of this movie is that a kid puts a robot's brain into Kristy Boner's body after she dies from incestual abuse--but there's so much more beneath the surface. Featuring the reveal of the sequel season choices for season 7, join us as we finish this season doing what we do best by watching an outlandish, nearly unbelievable "horror" movie whose roots reach the beating heart of the Endenverse. BB!

Friday May 05, 2023
S06E18 - Around the Fire (Part II)
Friday May 05, 2023
Friday May 05, 2023
Dan and Dan expose the dark side of "the concerts" as their personal stories escalate to trading tales of arrest, smooth jazz overloads, and all manner of ghastly frights while (still) trying to review the wook masterpiece AROUND THE FIRE. Also featuring the reveal of all 16 movies on the Rental Zone's next Bracket War, Drug Wars v.2
Featuring music by Qway, Horizon Wireless, The Disco Biscuits, The Meters, Them Phish Bois, and more.

Friday Apr 28, 2023
S06E17 - Around the Fire (Part One)
Friday Apr 28, 2023
Friday Apr 28, 2023
Today on the Movie Blues, we finally directly address our sordid jamband roots, nefarious past misdeeds, and air out all the madness of our musical sides with the first part of our TWO PART episode reviewing the drug masterpiece "Around the Fire". Load up your pin boards, grab your chunk of herkimer and boof your finest dawgs, because we are finally letting it all hang out. In part one, we explore our initial reaction to the film, swap statistics and stories, and give a rough review of every living jamband. Tune in next week for the hourlong thrilling conclusion where we take this film head on. BRING SHEETS

Sunday Apr 23, 2023
Sunday Apr 23, 2023
Sunday Apr 23, 2023
One Dan tests the other Dan's knowledge of the films from the Movie Blues Podcast with the new hit game show, The "Great" SAMPLE GAME, an activity that seemed to unnerve it's participant so badly that this is probably the only time we'll ever do this because man...did Dan #2 fall apart during this activity. No amount of forced toxic positivity and camaraderie could possibly overtake Dan's desire to win, so if you wanna hear a man fall into utter shambles because he can't remember what the original soundtrack of his favorite movie sounds like (even though he owns it on vinyl) then this is the episode for you. I swear this was supposed to be fun

Sunday Apr 16, 2023
S06E16 - ”Touch of Evil”
Sunday Apr 16, 2023
Sunday Apr 16, 2023
The plot of this week's episode is either about:
1) A grown man who buys action figures and loves Marvel movies screams at his co-host like a man-baby because he made him watch a movie from Orson Welles like an adult instead of consuming another terrible Disney+ show
2) A grown man chooses an Orson Wells movie for the podcast to look smart, but the movie he picks is a disastrous mess that features Charlton Heston in full Mexican-face--a fact that he is willing to overlook because the movie is in black-and-white and is about hating the police.
Which is the reality? YOU DECIDE

Monday Mar 27, 2023
S06E15 - Dan’s Never Seen E.T.
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Monday Mar 27, 2023
In which a grown man who somehow claims to have grown up during the 1990's and early 2000's, somehow manages to have not seen fucking ET. The extra wet terrestrial. Can you even believe that? Also featuring new impressions from Dan Lyons including The Halo Announcer, George Lucas, Nardwar the human serviette, Michael Jackson, and ET himself. Join us for a classic episode of the podcast, and a special treat after the episode as well, and then a special treat after that treat right before bedtime go fck ya'self arlight capicheeee baby

Saturday Mar 18, 2023
S06E14 - Dan’s Decent Proposal
Saturday Mar 18, 2023
Saturday Mar 18, 2023
This week on THE MOVIE BLUES, Dan and Dan unsheathe a sleazy classic from the 90's where Robert Redford offers Demi Moore 1 Million Dollars to sleep with him...and hilarity ensues. Final picks for the Season 6 Finale are revealed, new superfan Amanda is shouted out, and one Dan loses his cool when Woody Harrelson puts his soccer cleats on a kitchen table all while reviewing INDECENT PROPOSAL. I mean for f*cks sake, people eat there you don't put shoes there

Sunday Mar 12, 2023
S06E13 - Jewrassic Worldt
Sunday Mar 12, 2023
Sunday Mar 12, 2023
The official podcast of the Movie Blues Rental Zone returns to discuss the MBCEU adjacent film, JURASSIC WORLD, from the director of The Book of Henry. One Dan tries to keep the rebooted podcast on schedule, while the other Dan decides to go on a venom infused tirade on his (former) friend and (former) coworker (and potential replacement for when he finally snaps), Josh Boyer. Shots are fired, friendships are ended, all while trying to review a movie about a dinosaur sponsored by Verizon Wireless. Enjoy.

Monday Feb 27, 2023
S06E12 - Ant Man : Quantumania (ft. Josh Boyer & Rachel)
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Monday Feb 27, 2023
World's collide as an elderly, potentially drunk Michael Douglas and the Movie Blues head into the quantum realm for all manner of mayhem as we review ANT MAN & THE WASP 3: QUANTUMANIA, the lowest rated Marvel movie in MCU history. Are the critics wrong once again? Find out on this explosive episode of the podcast, covering our very first Marvel movie ever (hence why Dan Enden isn't here). Featuring the star of Rachel's Review Corner and a guy named Josh who has to once again explain his religion to us, this is the episode you won't want to miss, if you're into this kind of thing, or if you really like laughing about Michael Douglas.

Sunday Feb 12, 2023
S06E11 - Moneyball
Sunday Feb 12, 2023
Sunday Feb 12, 2023
Looking for some sport-ball related content but your team isn't in the Superbowl today? Look no further than this special episode on MONEYBALL, marking the first true sports film on the podcast after 100 episodes. One Dan shows up with passion, vigor, research, and a winning attitude, while the other Dan scrambles to rally his defenses against an emboldened foe. But it might not be the Dan you think it is....baby